Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mom's Update January 28, 2010

Just want to update everyone on Moe. We were disappointed on Monday, Jan. 25th to learn that Moe is not eligible for the heartmate. However, he is responding to "dobutamine" taken intravenously to help his heart to pump better. He was moved to the North Tower Room 6018 from the ICU last night at Cedars-Sinai. We're taking one day at a time. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers..


  1. Janet, I have known Moe since 1960, we worked together and I remember you kids too. Have been to your house many times in the past. Love your dad, he and George Mowell and I used to be quite a threesome at the bank. Went to his retirement. Your mother is the sweetest person. I wish I were able to come down and visit Moe, but just not able to. Give him and your mother the very best wishes from me and I will be praying for you all. God Bless, Bernie Seal

  2. Bernie- thank you so much for your kind words. He loved all of you guys from the bank more than I can express. My mom actually told him today that you had posted a comment- thank you for your prayers, too!
    Hope you are well-
